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Corporate Health and Wellness Management – Procurement Best Practices & Sourcing Strategies

Corporate Health and Wellness Management Market – Executive Summary, Market Analysis, Market Monitoring Insights, Procurement Best Practices, Supply Analysis, Purchasing Process


Corporate Health and Wellness Management Procurement Market Size


The corporate health and wellness management procurement market research report from ELINT Market Research projects that the global workplace wellness market will grow substantially and be valued at more than $64 billion by 2023. These figures demonstrate how much more importance businesses place on supporting programs that enhance the health and happiness of their employees. Furthermore, the industry is projected to grow at a rate of 6–8% per year, indicating that it has room to grow and could reach an incredible $87 billion by 2028. This optimistic prediction highlights the ongoing dedication of businesses across the globe to improving workplace wellness programs, which will drive the corporate health and wellness management market to new heights.


The adoption of holistic and mental health programs in various business settings has significantly increased due to the rise in hybrid work cultures. This increase highlights a fundamental change in business goals as organizations understand that worker happiness and overall productivity are positively correlated. Establishing a welcoming and inclusive workplace has become more critical as the need for mental health support is widely acknowledged. Therefore, the growing need for all-inclusive health management solutions indicates a bright future for the corporate wellness and health management market and highlights the sector’s significance in influencing workplace dynamics. ELINT uses advanced procurement intelligence tools to provide precise statistics and industry patterns.


Market Definition


Corporate health and wellness management encompasses business efforts to enhance employees’ mental, physical, and emotional well-being through policies, strategies, and projects. These initiatives include programs tailored to improve health and create a productive workplace environment.


Corporate Health and Wellness Management Procurement Market Drivers


  1. Growing Awareness: Businesses’ increasing appreciation of the importance of their workers’ health and well-being is a major contributing factor.


  1. Increasing Healthcare Costs: Companies are investing in preventative health initiatives due to rising healthcare expenses. Companies that encourage wellness and discourage illness may eventually see a decrease in healthcare costs.


Corporate Health and Wellness Management Procurement Market Challenges


  1. Employee Engagement: Encouraging staff members to participate in wellness initiatives is one of the main obstacles. Some staff members might need to be more flexible or think participating will take much time.


  1. Diversity of Workforce: Creating inclusive wellness initiatives that appeal to workers with various backgrounds and lifestyles takes a lot of planning.


Corporate Health and Wellness Management Procurement Market Opportunities


  1. Technological Innovations: Personalized health monitoring and engagement are made possible by combining various technologies, including wearables and smartphone applications.


  1. Remote Workforce: Businesses can offer telemedicine services, virtual fitness classes, and online resources to support the health and well-being of their remote workers.


Corporate Health and Wellness Management Procurement Market Segmentation


  1. Program Type: Based on program type, the corporate health and wellness management market research report divides the market into Physical Wellness Programs, Mental Health Initiatives, Nutrition and Weight Management, and Smoking Cessation Programs.


  1. Organization Size: As per organization type, the corporate health and wellness management procurement intelligence market research report classifies the market into Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Large Enterprises.


  1. Industry Vertical: According to the industry vertical, the corporate health and wellness management procurement market research report segments the market into Healthcare, IT and Technology, Manufacturing, Financial Services, and Retail.


Regional Outlook of the Corporate Health and Wellness Management Procurement Market


The corporate health and wellness management market constantly evolves, and there are discernible regional variations in market maturity. The United States and the United Kingdom are setting the standard with their highly developed infrastructures and widespread adoption of corporate wellness initiatives. These places, which set a high bar globally, support corporate health initiatives by fostering employee well-being and possess well-established support systems. The US and UK markets are shining examples of corporate wellness and health management success because of their profusion of wellness initiatives and emphasis on preventative healthcare.


Medium-scale innovation and growth in corporate health are still possible despite the impressive commitment to corporate health shown by Western Europe, Canada, and Australia. Corporate wellness programs still need to be widely accepted in these areas, but a growing ecosystem of wellness products is emerging. Though they have yet to reach the highest level of commercial maturity, they hold great potential for advancing and developing corporate health and wellness management practices. Conversely, emerging markets such as Brazil, Singapore, China, India, and South Africa are witnessing a high potential for the corporate health and wellness management market.


Cost Component in the Corporate Health and Wellness Management Procurement Market


Corporate health and wellness management includes several financial elements essential for companies looking to improve employee well-being. These elements include funding for initiatives, materials, staff, and technology to encourage a healthier workforce. The cost component goes beyond the money spent and consists of the time, energy, and materials used to support employee wellness. Organizations looking to develop a long-lasting and successful health and wellness program must comprehend and maximize these cost factors.


KPIS in the Corporate Health and Wellness Management Procurement Market


Essential metrics for assessing the success of corporate wellness and health management programs are called key performance indicators, or KPIs. Companies consider the effects of wellness programs on employee productivity, absenteeism rates, healthcare utilization, and general worker health using key performance indicators (KPIs). Organizations may find areas for improvement, assess progress toward goals, and make educated decisions to improve their wellness and health initiatives by closely observing key performance indicators (KPIs).


Pricing Outlook in the Corporate Health and Wellness Management Procurement Market


Several factors, such as the extent of services provided, the size of the company, and the degree of customization needed, affect price forecasts in the corporate health and wellness management market. Customers’ needs and preferences may determine fixed rates for prices, or prices may be based on performance. Businesses typically look for reasonable costs that maintain the caliber and comprehensiveness of the offered wellness solutions.


Contract Period in the Corporate Health and Wellness Management Procurement Market


Depending on the services offered and the client’s goals, corporate health and wellness management contracts frequently have terms ranging from short-term agreements to long-term partnerships. Before committing to a longer-term collaboration, companies can evaluate the efficacy of the wellness program with the flexibility and scalability that short-term contracts may provide. On the other hand, long-term contracts promote greater cooperation and strategic alignment between service providers and clients while also providing stability and continuity.


Engagement Strategies in the Corporate Health and Wellness Management Procurement Market


The adoption and involvement of employees in company health and wellness programs are contingent upon implementing efficacious engagement tactics. A positive workplace culture, gamification, incentives, and focused communication campaigns are a few examples of these tactics. Businesses can implement various customized engagement initiatives to boost employee motivation, raise awareness, and encourage long-term behavior changes toward healthier living.


Pricing Models in the Corporate Health and Wellness Management Procurement Market


The corporate health and wellness management industry has various pricing models with specific benefits and things to consider. Businesses looking for financial stability should consider simple and dependable flat-fee solutions. Comparatively, the per-employee-per-month (PEPM) and per-employee-per-month-per-measurable (PEMPM) models offer scalability and alignment with the size and usage of the workforce. In outcome-based pricing agreements, therapy providers’ and clients’ incentives are aligned, with results taking precedence over activities. Achieving predetermined health goals is a requirement for reimbursement.


Negotiation Factors in the Corporate Health and Wellness Management Procurement Market


Several factors, such as pricing, service scope, performance guarantees, and contractual provisions, need to be carefully considered during contract negotiations in the corporate health and wellness management sector. Cooperation is required from both sides to establish mutual respect, set expectations in line, and promote an honest and reliable relationship. Essential topics for negotiation might be price structure flexibility, customization choices, service level agreements, and protocols for tracking and assessing program effectiveness.


Leading Players in the Corporate Health and Wellness Management Procurement Market


Prominent and highly engaged participants in the industry include WorkPlace Options, Optum Inc., Fitbit Inc., Morneau Shepell-Lifeworks, ComPsych, ICAS + Lyra Health, and Virgin Pulse (acquired by Marlin Equity Partners). When taken as a whole, these large corporations impact the landscape of health procurement and corporate wellness, enhancing employee well-being and fostering creativity.

  1. What is the estimated value of the worldwide corporate health and wellness management procurement market, and what are the expectations for 2028?

By 2028, the corporate health and wellness management market is projected to have grown to over $87 billion from its current valuation of over $64 billion.

 2. What aspects of the corporate health and wellness management market drive its notable expansion?

The expansion can be attributed to companies’ changing corporate cultures, which understand how critical employee health is to overall output and job satisfaction. Businesses are spending money on wellness and health initiatives to create a more engaged and driven workforce.

3. Which industry segments lead the way in the corporate health and wellness management procurement market?

Given the increasing focus on holistic health initiatives, the physical health programs category is expected to lead in 2022–2023. The IT and technology industry is predicted to take the lead between 2022 and 2025 because of its capacity to use technology to improve employee engagement and provide personalized wellness experiences.

  1. Executive Summary
    1. Global Corporate Wellness Management Industry Outlook
    2. Category Value Chain
    3. Impact of COVID-19 on Corporate Health and Wellness Industry
    4. Talking Points to Business: Corporate Wellness Services
  2. Market Analysis
    1. Global Corporate Wellness Market Maturity
    2. Global Corporate Wellness Industry Trends
    3. Technology Trends
    4. Innovations
    5. Global Drivers and Constraints
    6. Regional Market Outlook
    7. Industry Outlook: Corporate Wellness Affecting Factors
    8. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis: Developed Markets
    9. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis: Emerging Markets
  3. Market Monitoring Insights
    1. Cost Structure Analysis
    2. Cost Analysis and Expected Savings
    3. Cost Break-up
    4. Pricing Analysis: Price Forecast
  4. Procurement Best Practices
    1. Sourcing Models for Corporate Wellness Services
    2. Sourcing Models: Comparative Analysis
    3. Cross Industry Sourcing Model Adoption
    4. Case Study: Single Supplier Strategy
    5. Key Success Factors for Corporate Wellness Program Implementation
    6. Corporate Wellness Program Formulation
    7. Pricing Models: Comparative Analysis
    8. Key Services-based KPI and SLA Components
    9. Negotiation Levers
  5. Supply Analysis
    1. Global Suppliers
    2. Regional Suppliers
    3. Top Supplier Profile and SWOT Analysis
  6. Purchasing Process
    1. Sample RFI/RFP Questionnaires
    2. Sustainability Initiative
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