Freight Payment Services - Procurement Intelligence

Procurement Market Intelligence Report

Freight Payment Services – Procurement Best Practices & Sourcing Strategies

Freight Bill Audit and Payment Industry – Category Definition, Freight Bill Audit and Payment Industry Overview, Types of FBAP Service Provider Engagements, Key Trends in FBAP Services, Value Added Services and SaaS in FBAP, Supplier Analysis

  1. Category Definition
    1. Key Attributes
  2. Freight Bill Audit and Payment Industry Overview
    1. Industry Overview
  3. Types of FBAP Service Provider Engagements
    1. Engagement Models
  4. Key Trends in FBAP Services
    1. Key Trends
  5. Value Added Services and SaaS in FBAP
    1. Value-Added Services
  6. Supplier Analysis
    1. Company Profiles
    2. Capability Information
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