Marine Insurance - Procurement Best Practices & Sourcing Strategies

Procurement Market Intelligence Report

Marine Insurance – Procurement Best Practices & Sourcing Strategies

Marine Insurance Market – Category Definition, Types of Marine Insurance, Types of Marine Insurance Policies, Price Analysis, Fundamental Principles in Marine Insurance Contract, Cost Saving Opportunities, Key Suppliers, Shortlisting Criteria for Recommendation, RFP Builder, Sustainability Initiatives, Regulatory Updates

  1. Category Definition
  2. Types of Marine Insurance
    1. Freight Insurance
    2. Liability Insurance
    3. Global Hull Insurance
    4. Marine Cargo Insurance
  3. Types of Marine Insurance Policies
    1. Floating Policy
    2. Voyage Policy
    3. Time Policy
    4. Mixed Policy
    5. Named Policy
    6. Port Risk Policy
    7. Fleet Policy
    8. Single Vessel Policy
    9. Blanket Policy
  4. Price Analysis
    1. Regional Analysis
    2. Premium Trends (by line of business)
    3. Factors Affecting the Price of Marine Insurance
  5. Fundamental Principles in Marine Insurance Contract
  6. Cost Saving Opportunities
  7. Key Suppliers
    1. Key Suppliers – Company Profile
    2. Key Suppliers – Products and Service Portfolio
    3. Key Suppliers – Insurance Brokerage Services
    4. Key Suppliers – Products and Service Portfolio – Insurance Brokerage Services
  8. Shortlisting Criteria for Recommendation
    1. Shortlisting Processes
    2. Important Lookouts When Buying Marine Insurance
  9. RFP Builder
    1. RFP Builder – Use Cases
  10. Sustainability Initiatives
    1. Climate Changes
    2. Illegal, Unregulated, Unreported (IUU) Fishing
    3. Plastic Litter
    4. Seafarers’ Wellbeing
    5. Bribery and Corruption
    6. Conflict Minerals
    7. Diversity & Inclusion
    8. Livestock Transports
    9. Ship Recycling
  11. Regulatory Updates
    1. Key Levers
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