Diesel- Procurement Intelligence | ELINT Market Research

Procurement Market Intelligence Report

Diesel – Procurement Best Practices & Sourcing Strategies

Diesel Market – Executive Summary, COVID Section, Market Analysis, Procurement Model Analysis, Market Monitoring Insights, Purchasing Process: RFP/RFI Questionnaire, Sustainable Initiatives in Oil Industry, Supplier Analysis


Diesel Market Size


According to the data in ELINT Market Research’s diesel procurement market research report, the diesel industry has a bright future. The study sheds light on the primary sectors that significantly influence the diesel market’s growth and emphasizes the varied demand for diesel across several end-use industries. The currently available data indicates that the road sector accounts for 60% of the demand for diesel. The 15% market share from commercial, residential, and agricultural sectors also shows the extent of diesel usage in powering the machinery and equipment employed in these areas. The 8% share revealed by the energy-producing industry shows the existence of diesel as one of the main elements for the power to work consistently and uninterrupted.


Other primary industries aside, the remaining 17% of the diesel requirement is sourced by rail, domestic waterways, marine bunkers, and other enterprises. This diversity in uses provides more flexibility for diesel in the market and investment outlook. It represents an optimistic estimate of the ELINT Market Research, asserting that the diesel market is poised for significant growth and stabilization given the broad and varied demand distribution. Thus, the data sets the diesel industry apart as a robust and attractive energy option for various consumers.


Market Definition


The global diesel market refers to the combined production, distribution, and consumption of diesel fuel, an essential part of the energy industry. The hydrocarbons used to make diesel fuel come from refined crude oil. Because of its high energy density and efficient combustion, diesel is a fuel widely used in many industries, such as power generation, industrial machinery, and transportation. High torque and fuel efficiency are essential for industries to meet their energy demands, and diesel is the answer.


Diesel Market Drivers


  1. Growing Demand for the Transportation Sector: The market is progressing at a higher rate due to a surge in demand from the transportation sector, where diesel vehicles are widely used, especially in commercial transportation.


  1. Power Generation: Diesel fuel is a backup power source in many places where regular and stable electricity supplies do not exist.

Diesel Market Challenges


  1. Environmental Concern: Stringent environmental legislation persists in posing a challenge to the petrol business. There are always green drive issues demanding the hunt for an ecologically friendly alternative, mainly in nitrogen oxides and particulate matter.


  1. Crude Oil Price Volatility: Fluctuation in crude oil prices can significantly impact manufacturing costs and final consumer prices within the diesel industry.


Diesel Market Opportunities


  1. Development of Biodiesel: Research and development in the field of biodiesel may result in the adaptation of sustainable practices for the diesel industry.


  1. International Infrastructure Projects: Increasing involvement in infrastructure development projects worldwide can positively affect the diesel industry.


Diesel Market Segmentation


  1. Product Type: Based on product type, the research report segments the market into Conventional Diesel and Bio-diesel.


  1. End-Use: According to end-use, the research report categorizes the market into the Transportation Sector, Industrial Applications, and Power Generation.


  1. Region: As per region, the research report divides the market into Europe, Asia Pacific, North America, Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa.


Regional Outlook of the Diesel Market


The forecast for each region throughout the worldwide diesel market reveals various factors that will shape the business climate in Europe, America, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. As of February 2023, the dynamic nature of the WTI crude oil market has been primarily influenced by the stability of its prices. A significant reserve rise has supported such stability in WTI crude oil prices through that period. Yet, a clear pattern is coming into being in the US at this point, where the rate of increase in crude oil production has shown a slowdown and flattened at 12.25 million barrels per day as of February 2023. Coming as it does when the US industry presents many other such changes, the trend underscores intricate interplays among global factors determining regional dynamics in the diesel industry.


The regional differences elaborate that the diesel market shows varied opportunities and challenges in regional markets like Asia Pacific, America, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. For example, the demand and supply of diesel in Europe are affected by the changing energy sources, policies, and economy. At the same time, it is pertinent to mention that the US crude oil market fluctuates very frequently due to the changing policies in the energy field and trends in the mass production of crude oil. Growing industrialization and energy consumption in emerging economies contribute immensely to diesel consumption patterns.


Cost Component in the Diesel Market


Comprehending the cost components is crucial for stakeholders hoping to optimize their earnings in the complex diesel industry landscape. Raw materials, production, distribution, and regulatory compliance go into the cost structure. Industry participants can successfully adjust to changes in the market by keeping an eye on and analyzing these elements. The overall cost structure is determined by raw material costs, which are contingent on various factors like changes in the price of crude oil and developments in geopolitics.


Pricing Outlook in the Diesel Market


The geopolitical and global economic environments, among other things, have a significant impact on the pricing outlook for the diesel industry, which is dynamic by its identical nature. Diesel price fluctuations are caused mainly by changes in crude oil prices, which industry participants control. Supply chain disruptions, customer demand, and environmental regulations all contribute to the complexity of pricing situations. Successful diesel companies strategically match their pricing strategies with market developments to stay resilient and competitive in the face of uncertainty.


Contract Period in the Diesel Market


The length of the contract is a crucial determinant for buyers and sellers of diesel within the market. Naturally, long-term contracts provide stability and assurance to the parties; short-run contracts allow stakeholders to react flexibly to exogenous shocks that might take place in the marketplace. Subsequent changes in law, changes within the diesel market, and the level to which the relationship necessitates a somewhat differentiated form of duration are some factors that help define the contract duration. Accordingly, the more a business comprehends the dynamics of the contracts in place, the better strategic decisions are possible to form to support operational objectives and market positioning for their firms.


Engagement Strategies in the Diesel Market


Effective engagement strategies are essential for building and maintaining the necessary partnerships in the diesel industry. The strategy for engagement developed may consider interests coming from the distributors, the suppliers, and the end users. Prioritizing sustainability initiatives, candid communication, and teamwork can all enhance the value proposition. The firms could customize their engagement strategy to produce the best results based on their understanding of the specific requirements.

Pricing Models in the Diesel Market


Different pricing schemes are available in the diesel industry to meet the varying expectations of stakeholders. Cost-plus pricing, which raises the manufacturing cost, and dynamic pricing, which adjusts to the market’s state, are typical pricing strategies. Businesses must comprehend the intricacies of each model to match pricing strategies with market realities. As the industry grows, value-based pricing, loyalty programs, and subscription-based business models are also becoming more popular in the diesel sector.


Negotiation Factors in the Diesel Market


Negotiations are how agreements are made in the diesel industry, so knowing every relevant detail is essential. Delivery schedules, payment terms, and quality control are often discussed topics during negotiations in addition to price. Adaptability, people skills, and business acumen are needed to manage these elements skillfully. As a reflection of the more significant developments in the industry, regulatory compliance, environmental commitments, and technological advancements are often the main subjects of negotiation.


Leading Players in the Diesel Market


Several well-known competitors in the diesel industry largely shape the industry’s competitive landscape. Offering its breadth of knowledge and dedication to innovation is the massive oil company, Royal Dutch Shell. Given the range of energy options it provides, ExxonMobil is essential. Strategic initiatives and a dedication to sustainability are hallmarks of British Petroleum (BP). Multinational company Total S.A. is a French company providing various services that significantly aid market expansion. Renowned US oil company Chevron maintains its leadership position by demonstrating a solid dedication to environmental responsibility and technological advancements.

  1. Which are the main sectors that, aside from transportation, affect the demand for diesel worldwide?

The commercial, residential, and agricultural sectors comprise 15% of the total, with the energy-producing sector holding an 8% share. The remaining 17% includes railroads, internal canals, marine bunkers, and other companies.

2. According to ELINT’s study, which components drive the diesel market’s expansion?

Environmental concerns, market dynamics determined by economic issues, and technological breakthroughs in diesel engine efficiency are credited with the development.

3. Which industry brought the diesel market to its hegemony, and what elements supported that hegemony?

The transportation industry topped the list because of the rising need for dependable and safe transportation choices, technology improvements, and regulatory changes.

  1. Executive Summary
    1. Executive Summary
  2. COVID Section
    1. Impact of COVID on Diesel Category
  3. Market Analysis
    1. Supplier Maturity
    2. Industry Trends
    3. Growth Drivers and Constraints
    4. Regional Market Outlook
    5. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
  4. Procurement Model Analysis
    1. Procurement Models Adopted
    2. Best Sourcing Models
    3. Contract and Pricing Models
  5. Market Monitoring Insights
    1. Diesel Price Break-up for Major Countries
    2. Diesel Price Trend for Major Countries
    3. Diesel Price Forecast for Major Countries
  6. Purchasing Process: RFP/RFI Questionnaire
    1. Inputs for RFI/RFP Building
  7. Sustainable Initiatives in Oil Industry
    1. Sustainable Initiatives Followed in Oil and Gas Industry
  8. Supplier Analysis
    1. Supplier Analysis
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