Energy As A Service (EaaS) - Procurement Best Practices & Sourcing Strategies
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Procurement Market Intelligence Report

Energy as a Service (EaaS) – Procurement Best Practices & Sourcing Strategies

Energy as a Service (EaaS) Market – Executive Summary, Market Analysis, Contractual Best Practices, Market Monitoring Insights, Performance Measures, Case Studies, Covid-19 Impact Assessment, Supplier Section

  1. Executive Summary
    1. Global Market Size
    2. EaaS versus ESCO
    3. Global Renewable and Energy-Efficiency Investments
  2. Market Analysis
    1. EaaS Overview
    2. Market Potential
    3. Global Investments on RE
    4. Global Investments on EE
    5. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis: China Electricity Market
  3. Contractual Best Practices
    1. XaaS into Energy
    2. EaaS versus ESCO
    3. EaaS Value Chain
    4. EaaS Contract Model
  4. Market Monitoring Insights
    1. Cost Drivers and Cost Structure
    2. Cost Analysis and Expected Cost Savings
  5. Performance Measures
    1. Performance Measures for EaaS
    2. KPIs for Green Energy Projects
    3. KPIs for EE Projects
    4. Case Studies of EaaS
  6. Case Studies
    1. Case Studies of Energy-as-a-Service
  7. Covid-19 Impact Assessment
    1. Advisory Insights on COVID-19 Impact on EaaS
    2. RFP/RFI Builder
    3. Sustainability Initiatives
    4. Latest News
  8. Supplier Section
    1. Suppliers Overview
    2. SWOT Analysis of Key Global Players
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