Managed Print Services - Procurement Intelligence

Procurement Market Intelligence Report

Managed Print Services – Procurement Best Practices & Sourcing Strategies

Managed Print Services Market – Executive Summary, Market Analysis and Technology Shift, Procurement Best Practices, Purchasing Process: RFP Builder and Market Monitoring Insights, Supply Analysis, Covid Section

  1. Executive Summary
    1. Managed Print Services (MPS) – Market Snapshot
    2. MPS Global Market Outlook
    3. ELINT’s Recommendations for an Ideal Category Strategy
    4. Category Opportunities & Risks
    5. Negotiation Leverage
    6. Talking Points – Managed Print Services
    7. Impact of COVID-19 on Managed Print Services
  2. Market Analysis and Technology Shift
    1. Category Overview
    2. Global Market Overview
    3. Managed Print Services (MPS) – Market Share
    4. Evolution of Managed Print Services
    5. Managed Print Services – Market Trends/Shifts
    6. Technology Shift – Cloud Printing
    7. Technology Shift – Pull Printing
    8. Types of Cloud Printing
    9. Other Technology Shifts
  3. Procurement Best Practices
    1. Sourcing and Vendor Engagement Models – Best Practices
    2. Sourcing Models—Comparative Analysis
    3. Key KPIs – Traditional Managed Print Services
    4. Key SLA’s – Traditional Managed Print Services
    5. Key SLA’s and KPIs – Cloud-Based Managed Print Services
  4. Purchasing Process: RFP Builder and Market Monitoring Insights
    1. RFP Builder
    2. Pricing Models – Traditional Managed Print Services
    3. Factors Affecting Traditional MPS Pricing
    4. Preferred Pricing Models – Cloud Managed Print Services
    5. Billing Rate Benchmarking
    6. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
    7. Total Cost of Ownership
    8. Negotiation Strategy
    9. Contract Pointers
  5. Supply Analysis
    1. Key Supplier Service Capabilities – Comparison
    2. Suppliers Geographical Coverage
    3. Key Global Supplier Profile and SWOT
      1. Xerox
      2. HPE
      3. Canon
      4. Ricoh
      5. Konica Minolta
      6. Lexmark
    4. Key Supplier Profiles
      1. Xerox
      2. HPE
      3. Canon
      4. Ricoh
      5. Konica Minolta
      6. Lexmark
  6. Covid Section
    1. Category Summary – Covid-19
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