Sorbitol - Procurement Best Practices & Sourcing Strategies

Procurement Market Intelligence Report

Sorbitol – Procurement Best Practices & Sourcing Strategies

Sorbitol Market – Executive Summary, Market and Pricing Analysis, Industry and Feedstock Analysis, Industrial Best Practices, Purchasing Process: RFP/RFI Questionnaire, Supplier Analysis

  1. Executive Summary
    1. One-slide Update on Supply/Demand and Prices
    2. One-slide Update on Global Polyol Market
    3. Contract Structures by Industry and Price Benchmarking
    4. Cost Savings, Based on Contract Structures
    5. COVID-19 Impact
  2. Market and Pricing Analysis
    1. Global Market Outlook
      1. Global Polyols: Supply Analysis
      2. Global Polyols: Demand Analysis
      3. Global Sorbitol: Trade Analysis
    2. Sorbitol Pricing Analysis: US
  3. Industry and Feedstock Analysis
    1. Industry Outlook (US, Europe, and Asia)
      1. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
      2. Innovations
    2. Feedstock Analysis
      1. Global Corn Market
      2. Corn Pricing Analysis: US
  4. Industrial Best Practices
    1. Position on GMO
    2. Contract Structures
  5. Purchasing Process: RFP/RFI Questionnaire
    1. Sample RFx Questions
  6. Supplier Analysis
    1. Supplier Market Share
    2. Supplier Profiling
    3. SWOT Analysis
    4. Sustainability Initiatives and Best Practices
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