E-commerce Logistics - Procurement Intelligence

Procurement Market Intelligence Report

E-commerce Logistics – Procurement Best Practices & Sourcing Strategies

E-commerce Logistics Market – Executive Summary, Market Analysis, Market Monitoring Insights, Procurement Best Practices, Innovation Framework, Supplier Analysis/Purchasing Process: RFP/RFI Questionnaire

  1. Executive Summary
    1. Global E-commerce Industry Outlook
    2. Supply–Demand Market Outlook
    3. Recommendation for Ideal Category Strategy
    4. Talking Points
    5. COVID-19: E-commerce Logistics Impact
  2. Market Analysis
    1. Regional Market Outlook
    2. Procurement-Centric Five Forces Analysis
    3. PESTEL Analysis
  3. Market Monitoring Insights
    1. Commodity Price Forecast
  4. Procurement Best Practices
    1. Engagement and Contract Model
    2. Pricing Model
    3. Key Performance Indicators
  5. Innovation Framework
    1. Industry Best Practices
    2. Innovative Solutions for Last-mile Delivery
    3. Case Study
  6. Supplier Analysis/Purchasing Process: RFP/RFI Questionnaire
    1. Global E-commerce Logistics Service Providers
    2. Regional – China E-commerce Logistics Service Providers
    3. RFP Builder
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