What is Market Intelligence and Why it Matters?

What is Market Intelligence and Why it Matters?

In today’s dynamic business environment, staying one step ahead of the competition requires a greater level of market knowledge. Thus, market intelligence is one of the most important tools that help you obtain the correct information you require to remain in front of competitors and make wise decisions. However, what specifically is market intelligence? And how can it be collected with the greatest tools and techniques? The following article is created by ELINT Market Research after a deep study that will define market intelligence and some of the best methods for gathering it. Additionally, we’ll look at market intelligence scenarios, tools, and competition intelligence. Therefore, continue your reading to find out more about market analysis, whether you are an expert in business development trying to be ahead of the competition or a learner hoping to advance your skills.

Market Intelligence: An Overview

The procedure of obtaining and examining data about any company’s rivals, industry trends, and consumer habits is known as market intelligence. Also, gaining more insight into consumers and competitors is the key aim of the market intelligence procedure, which may subsequently be applied to making strategic choices. A variety of techniques can help gather market intelligence data such as group discussions, phone surveys, and internet research. After research, the data can be stored on spreadsheets and statistical software. These are only two examples of tools that can be used to examine data once it has been acquired; though, these are more handy tools available in a market. Further, the results of the examination can then be applied to enhance a business’s marketing plan and provide it a competitive edge.

Let’s take a deeper look at what exactly marketing intelligence is with the help of this example. For instance, a business is trying to figure out the ideal target market for the smartphone product that they will shortly be releasing. According to the kind of cell phone, the organization can introduce an individual survey that can assist in narrowing down its target demographic. In this regard, if the phone’s functions are arranged to promote it as a gaming console and its colors are striking, a survey will identify individuals who are interested in gaming, younger age people, and within a certain economic zone. By concentrating its efforts on the appropriate individuals, the organization can save money and effort thanks to this market expertise.

Why is Marketing Intelligence Necessary to Execute?

Holding market knowledge is a strength in the corporate sector. A substantial competitive edge exists between people who possess up-to-date market intelligence. They can recognize shifting consumer preferences or the actions of a new market entry; hence, they can prepare to respond to such shifting trends and stay far ahead of their rivals. Also, businesses can seek any advantage they may have since the corporate world gets more and more competitive. Using market data is one approach to get an edge, depending on their objectives and requirements, companies can utilize market information in different ways. Further, establishing future goals is another area in which marketing intelligence may assist. Companies can prioritize their goals which will help them maximize the effectiveness and reach of their marketing intelligence initiatives. Also, selecting the appropriate data to include in the media mix is made simpler when the purpose of the knowledge is well-defined.

How to Differentiate Market Intelligence from Marketing Research?

Although sometimes people consider both market intelligence and marketing research phrases synonymously, but, in reality, they pertain to two significantly different categories. The process of gathering and evaluating publicly accessible data about any niche market to spot opportunities and patterns is known as market intelligence. Contrarily, market study is the act of gathering and examining information about a certain target market to comprehend the demands and desires of people as a whole. Even while marketing research can help guide marketing choices, market intelligence eventually offers the most insightful information on how a company might obtain a competitive edge. Thus, companies can remain certain that they are employing the best strategies to get the intended outcomes by knowing the distinction between these two phrases.

What is the Difference Between Market Intelligence and Business Intelligence?

Market intelligence and business intelligence are often confused individuals; however, they have many differences. Business intelligence focuses on gathering data about an organization and market intelligence concentrates on wider industry trends. Generally, business intelligence includes methods that collect data regarding the internal performance of the organization. This involves the total amount of sales for the month and the quantity of goods supplied. On the other hand, market intelligence is more concerned with external data sources like client profiles, geographical information, and consumer purchases. It also inquires about the competitors to determine whether a company can fit into the larger market.

What are the Essential Elements of Successful Marketing Intelligence?

Organizations can employ market intelligence tactics when assessing and creating long-term marketing plans. It’s also a crucial component of product development stages and frequently serves as the basis for choices about branding. Further, new market entries and start-up businesses primarily require intelligent market studies to be an integral element of their thorough research while preparing to produce goods and services. By this method, they can be aware of the target audience as well as the competitors. Hence, market data can help acquire a summary of the latest developments and viewpoints while covering a wider range of issues. When a company needs to expand, it might use market intelligence to launch new products. Consequently, let’s understand the primary elements of market intelligence procedure which are as follows:

Research Objective:

Market intelligence teams usually have a broad goal for conducting marketing intelligence studies, which usually cover competitor plans and the needs of current and potential clientele. Analysts can maximize their collection of information by using this technique and choose a correct study approach. For example, by examining the technical industry, a team might ascertain the types of technologies that are appealing to specific communities.

Area of Research:

Marketing departments often concentrate on a single piece of information, like the yearly revenue of an organization in a certain industry or the accounting records of a competitor company. They can decide on a data collection plan depending on their top priorities. For example, your business can concentrate its investigations on the typical earnings of a film expert or the total sales for software in a particular market if it is getting ready to gather data for video-editing tools targeted toward movie specialists. Following that, you can assess the teaching strategies that have worked the best.

Sources to Gather Data:

Businesses can instruct their marketing staff to collect data from a range of various sources and situations like examining third-party commercial records or digital public government datasets. The research team can even examine the outcomes of online polls and set up surveys on social media platforms. Lastly, they can conduct market research to gather more specific data concerning your business by selecting focus group attendees.

Market Analysis Process:

Agencies of marketers usually use data analysis tools to identify current and future market patterns and prioritize information. Though, individuals can even arrange data from catalogs and spreadsheets into easily comprehensible categories using particular advertising tools. Others can focus on using an analytical technique, such as a cross-tabulation to uncover specific connected data points or a study of patterns that compares many poll results. However, you can advise your team to include consumer studies in their intelligence attempts and a sentiment analysis that can aid in analyzing consumers’ emotions and choices during pivotal interactions.

Combining Data into Reports:

Stakeholders or business persons can utilize compiled information on spreadsheets and papers that are created by marketing experts. They can prefer to add elaborated charts, graphs, and images to graphically represent the data and trends. Also, the team can use marketing intelligence solutions to arrange content logically and derive an understandable presentation for stakeholders. They can even distribute the paperwork to other staff members of their organization to raise the level of their work procedures and gain a better understanding of industry norms.

What are the Key Types of Market Intelligence?

1. Competitors Analysis:

Competitors analysis helps gather and analyze information about a company’s key rivals operating in the same industry. Thus, examining the advantages and disadvantages of your rivals can help you learn more about your business and the causes why customers rarely select your goods or services. For example, a competitor evaluation study is a basic instrument in the majority of advertising operations as it assesses the caliber of a product’s quality, information on target economies, key demographics, pricing patterns, and product attributes. The combination of this data can help satisfy customer needs and steer clear of problems that other businesses have run into can be created.

2. Examining Product’s Quality:

Product intelligence operations include evaluating the quality of products and services since selling products that are real requires you to make decisions about the manufacturing process to ensure you are producing the product as efficiently as possible. With this information, you can increase the worth and quality of your products. The main reason for collecting this type of statistics is that it entails comparing competing products and weighing their benefits and drawbacks. Also, this review includes all relevant information, such as the goods and their packaging, shop exhibits, manufacturing processes, and costs.

3. Comprehending Consumer Choices:

Learning about the needs of your customers and the reasons behind their decision to do business with you is a crucial step of the market intelligence procedure to make necessary decisions. You can thoroughly learn about issues you have with customers and implement new methods to improve customer happiness and retention statistics. You can even launch effective future marketing campaigns using the data you collect. In this context, marketing departments can construct buyer personas, which contain details about an individual’s demographics, choices, problems, and potential solutions that your company can offer. Hence, this research method is essential since these customer insights can prove very helpful for all departments of a company like quality assurance engineers and product developers.

4. Understanding Market Dynamics:

Understanding the variety of marketplaces in which you want to promote and sell your products or services are essential stage of market intelligence to get aware of market dynamics. With this study, you can analyze the possibilities about whether you still have the potential for expansion in other markets in addition to how effectively you’re performing in specific ones. Three primary factors including integrating product information, competitor evaluation, and industry leaders identification can assist you in gaining a good grasp on the market. Also, you can obtain insights into end-user preferences and understand the current demands of customers.

5. Suppliers Evaluation:

Another major practice of market intelligence procedure includes gathering and examining data about leading vendors, suppliers, and other supply chain associates, which is known as the supplier intelligence method. This examination helps you acquire data about it entails assessing the competencies, efficiency, expenditures, and potential risks of suppliers and maintaining the smooth supply chain operations like a routine. For example, the manufacturing company can constantly watch supplier metrics for performance and pertinent industry updates to anticipate supply disruptions and mitigate risks.

How to Collect Market Intelligence Data?

1. Analyze Current and Possible Customers:

Customers are often overlooked by organizations as prospective sources of gathering crucial data. It is possible for small businesses to obtain information about consumers in an effective and primarily cost-effective manner by establishing protocols for managing their client databases and putting programs in place for customer feedback collection. Furthermore, the sales staff can prove a perfect supporter to provide market intelligence since as salespeople they continuously interact with current and possible customers, hence, they can provide further insights into industry trends. Also, employing a convenient CRM (customer relationship management) tool can be considered the best approach for examining and collecting customer data in one place. As CRMs protect and store large databases at one location, so each department of a company can anytime study these databases. Nowadays, storing data online on the cloud is also getting popular allowing access to data at any time and from any place.

2. Conducting Surveys:

The most preferred and well-known tactic to get market and customer information for your market research project is conducting surveys and polls by sending offline and online questionnaires to your clientele. This tactic mainly works effectively when trying to maintain current customer records. Key tools that can help in executing surveys include SurveyMonkey or Typeform. Let’s understand about diverse kinds of surveys:

  1. Online Surveys – Online surveys are the most effective and cost-effective way to quickly obtain data. These surveys are usually known for producing unstable data, yet as more sophisticated technologies hit the market and the most audience is available online on social media, this quick and dependable way to obtain real-time data has progressively grown in popularity. Online polls are the most effective way to obtain market information since the target audience already loves online contact.
  2. In-Person Interviews – One-on-one interviews are famous for conducting surveys by physically meeting and interacting with individuals. This type of survey is usually carried out in busy places like malls, markets, hospitals, etc to obtain the necessary data. As you have the benefit of exhibiting a product or comparing products and gathering useful data, this also lets you get client feedback. Although this method generates excellent responses, it is fairly costly because it requires a skilled individual at each place with appropriate technology, like a phone, laptop, or tablet, which can prove pricey.
  3. Surveys on Phone Calls – Executing surveys on the telephone or cell phone is more expensive than sending mail, yet they are relatively inexpensive than personal interviews. Nevertheless, a lot of businesses use telephone sales methods, which causes the customer to become insensitive to continuous harassment. Consequently, it becomes increasingly harder to persuade the customer to complete the survey, which lowers response rates and even reduces the caliber of replies. Organizations can ask their executives to ask an appropriate collection of questions and topics on a telephone survey, for instance, product characteristics, brand loyalty, pricing comfort, and much more. This will enable the business to first make it comfortable for consumers and then introduce the best possible products.
  4. Surveys by Sending Mails – Sending surveys or polls via email is the least expensive method, particularly with a bigger sample size since fewer individuals read paper emails these days due to technological advancements. Digital emails are an emerging trend in worldwide industries; thus, response rates for this type of approach are 3–15%. However, in places where technology is still out of reach, this kind of audience collecting information is still widely used.

3. Forms:

Forms are a series of inquiries made by an analyst to gather highly specialized data needed for the current project. This approach excludes inquiries that ask participants for their thoughts or feedback. Thus, forms usually aim to collect more information on objective data instead of getting someone’s opinion. Hence, you can create a questionnaire with a list of questions that can be answered online or on paper to conduct the investigation. These answers help in collecting data from a wide range of audiences and are useful for both qualitative and quantitative investigations.

4. Focus Groups:

A focus group is also known as a target market that comprises a carefully chosen group of individuals who participate in a survey. These focus group surveys allow businesses to assess client needs and attitudes and even gather group feedback. Hence, they can obtain information in large amounts and use data to enter into a required niche market or introduce their new products into one that already exists. In most cases, an administrator is needed to pose the question to a group of individuals when a discussion reveals new information about the subject. However, focus group questionnaires may now be completed on the internet, performing without the requirement for a moderator. For instance, if you are in a phone business, you can ask questions to focus groups to examine what they think about the best phone for them. This way, you can learn which phone features and models are most favored in the industry. Also, you can ask questions to know people’s choices such as the phone’s specific features, screen size, color, operating system, speed, pricing, and much more, which can help you identify particular areas in which you should focus to invest more and use that information to increase your market share.

5. Individual Interviews:

The most popular method of gathering data is conducting personal interviews; although they can be costly interviews can help you interact with a person one-on-one and collect useful, trustworthy information. This kind of approach is utilized to gain a thorough understanding of a certain subject or product. You can plan unrestricted and unplanned questionnaires that can go up to an hour. However, as these interviews are conducted individually, this kind of market data collection method is not highly recommended because it does not accurately reflect the market needs as a whole. However, if you are unfamiliar with such business information, discussions with subject matter experts can help you comprehend the industry trends in a certain area. For instance, an organization would like to know what the most recent technical trends are in the industry. Thus, conducting a personal interview with an expert in a particular field of technical solutions can provide significant insight for your company regarding present patterns and upcoming developments. Consequently, it is possible to make prudent business choices to allocate investments appropriately.

6. Comprehensive Observation:

Occasionally companies experience an inability to gather information from other sources that are unreliable or fail to provide insights into consumer opinions or purchasing patterns. In this situation, by executing comprehensive observation methods, you can learn things like the customer’s behaviors, purchasing patterns, and preferences for things like quality or pricing. Gaining an understanding of this data will help an organization increase sales and modify its offerings in response to market demands. For example, companies that install cameras in their businesses that record continually and can be accessed at a later time to gain insight into customer behavior. By using this insight, the company can have access to the target market’s subconscious purchasing habits or sentiments.

7. Field Trials:

Field trials are another prominent way to gather market intelligence data which is similar to real-time experimentation. This procedure entails putting a product in particular retail stores to gauge what level of popularity and acceptance, the new product is receiving from customers. One way to describe that it is as an experiment phase for the product’s market testing. For example, a chocolate firm that wishes to examine its brand new product before launching it. Thus, the company sends chocolates to a few chosen retail stores so that their target clientele can test them and they can check responses. These clients must represent the target market so that the company can determine if their product is ready to launch completely in the market or not.

Latest Market Intelligence Updates for 2024

With our most recent market intelligence updates for 2024, you can maintain an advantage in the highly competitive environment. Key insights into new trends, economic conditions, and strategic prospects across a range of industries are provided by this thorough analysis. Our analysis identifies key changes and trends, assisting companies in making defensible choices and seizing fresh opportunities for expansion. These updates are essential for managing the changing market climate and attaining long-term success, whether you’re a market participant or a business enthusiast.

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Global Protein Purification and Isolation Market Expected to Reach Worth USD 22,003.8 Million by 2033 at a 9.2% CAGR

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According to ELINT Market Research, the Size of the Global Cell Culture Market is Projected to Exceed USD 31.4 Billion by 2024 and USD 80.3 Billion by 2033

The technique of cultivating cells outside of their environment in vitro is known as cell culture, and it is crucial for the biotechnology and biomedicine fields. Given the growing global need for vaccinations brought on by the appearance of new viruses, the development of disease-specific vaccines is imperative. Thus, the requirement for cell culture is expected to expand steadily, with the worldwide market expected to reach USD 80.3 billion by 2033 from USD 31.4 billion in 2024. Further, the application segment is expected to be dominated by drug examination moves in 2024, with the greatest market share, due to the increasing demand for efficient treatments and scientific developments. Moreover, the geographical study depicts a 37.0% revenue share in the international cell culture industry by 2024 for North America which is expected to lead the industry because of its better infrastructure and significant investments in the biotechnology domain.

What are the Benefits of Market Intelligence?

Market intelligence brought countless advantages for industry participants; however, some of the primary advantages are as follows:

  • Market intelligence helps in real-time data collection regarding customer choices, trends, and behaviors; so businesses can remain competitive and satisfy consumer needs.
  • With the use of market intelligence, you will be able to recognize when a consumer is not happy with your product and the reasons why, allowing you to keep them as clients.
  • You can increase overall efficacy and productivity by finding loopholes and utilizing useful information to develop important initiatives.
  • You can have the ability to monitor competitors and emerging trends, providing a comprehensive overview of the market.
  • Having full access to market and competition intelligence, you can seize crucial market prospects beforehand or at least promptly.

How ELINT Market Research Can Help Your Business with Market Intelligence?

Acquiring a competitive edge is mostly dependent on forming a strategic partnership with an appropriate market intelligence firm. ELINT Market Research can become a reliable partner in your market intelligence journey. We are a leading industry evaluation and analysis organization that contains a vast team of seasoned researchers, market reviewers, executives, etc with diverse experience in business intelligence, strategy formation, supplier study, financial management, operations, and on-time service delivery. Further, we can carefully spot gaps and match your company objectives with our market expertise to provide you with a major competitive edge over your rivals. Also, we can increase the worth of data by forecasting customer behavior, finding growth prospects, and retrieving insightful information. Consequently, contact us if you’re interested in using market intelligence to obtain a competitive edge, and one of our market research specialists will get in touch with you immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What are the fundamental components of the market intelligence procedure?

Fundamental factors such as understanding the industry environment, evaluating competitors, assessing product quality, comprehending customer preferences, evaluating suppliers, and keeping track of current developments are the main pillars of market intelligence. These elements give companies the knowledge they need to stay successful and make wise decisions.

2. Why market intelligence is important?

Market intelligence is essential for organizations to acquire useful knowledge and insights about the industry, rivals, clients, and developments; so they can make well-informed decisions that promote growth and competitiveness.

3. What is the secret to executing effective market investigation?

Reliable data gathering, efficient analysis, and practical insights are essential components of achieving high-quality market intelligence. It entails compiling extensive data from multiple sources, guaranteeing precision and dependability.


Market intelligence’s ability to offer in-depth insights into consumer requirements, competition activity, industry trends, etc assists companies in making well-informed decisions regarding manufacturing, price, advertising, and transportation. Additionally, market information can assist companies in tracking their success in the industry and locating new prospects. Hence, in the ever-evolving commercial landscape of today, market intelligence is a critical instrument for triumph.

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