Airlines - Procurement Intelligence | ELINT Market Research

Procurement Market Intelligence Report

Airlines – Procurement Best Practices & Sourcing Strategies

Airlines Market – Executive Summary, Market Analysis, Market Monitoring Insights, Supplier Section, Sustainability in Air Travel, Procurement Best Practices, Travel Policy, Cost-Saving and Negotiation Levers, RFP/RFI Questionnaire


Airlines Procurement Market Size


According to ELINT Market Research’s airlines procurement market research report, the global airline industry has promising prospects that support its critical role in the worldwide economy. By 2022-2023, a substantial $720 billion will be invested in the aviation sector. Worldwide business and connectivity facilitation are also observed to have significant effects. From the forecasted 7–10% being envisioned by 2023-2024, it boosts the growth direction expected in the airlines market and places it more poised to respond to further changing challenges. It reflects the positive prospects of the aviation industry and how it will influence market requirements or the new business landscape.


Against such a backdrop, the strong partnership entered into by AIESL with Boeing to strengthen several maintenance training programs in India means a message of commitment to excellence and innovation in the airlines market. The collaboration of common goals and experiences works toward strategic building of operational effectiveness and, in broad terms, the deepening of the support that emanates from these two firms to prop up aviation infrastructure and associated expertise. Ingrain these in line with overall goals of enhancing productivity, sustainability, and safety in line with long-term growth and development. In its most recent procurement intelligence and insights, ELINT, a reputable procurement intelligence company, evaluates the airlines procurement market in great detail.


Market Definition


The airline industry makes travel, trade, and tourism between countries more accessible. It is necessary for both economic growth and global connectedness. An essential component of today’s transportation network, the airline sector is constantly evolving to meet the needs of a globalized society and set new standards for productivity, safety, and innovation.


Airlines Procurement Market Drivers


  1. Travel Demand is Growing Worldwide: A growing desire to travel the world has been linked to changes in lifestyle preferences and rising disposable income.


  1. Assistance from the Government: The government can facilitate the airline industry’s growth by easing air travel regulations and providing funds for projects such as airport renovation and expansion.

Airlines Procurement Market Challenges


  1. Fuel price volatility: Fuel price volatility doesn’t allow profitability for airlines since it primarily affects the operation costs.


  1. Safety and Regulation: Airlines are duly regulated post the transportation of passengers so that the provided environment is strictly safe and secure.


Airlines Procurement Market Opportunities


  1. Emphasis on Additional Sources of Revenue: Diversified airline income generation strategies include avenues that have developed following the sale of tickets, adjustment programs for free flight benefits, and the like, such as baggage fees.


  1. Efforts for the Promotion of Sustainable Aviation: The airline industry may well align itself more effectively with changing customer preferences and regulatory pressures through the development of practices and technologies that are environmentally sensitive and support sustainable aviation.


Airlines Procurement Market Segmentation


  1. Aircraft Type: According to aircraft type, the airlines procurement market research report classifies the market into Narrow-Body Aircraft, Wide-Body Aircraft, and Regional Jets.


  1. Service Type: Based on service type, the airlines procurement market research report divides the market into Full-Service Carriers (FSCs), Low-Cost Carriers (LCCs), and Ultra-Low-Cost Carriers (ULCCs).


  1. Passenger Class: As per passenger class, the airlnes procurement intelligence market research report segments the market into Economy Class, Premium Economy Class, Business Class, and First Class.


Regional Outlook of the Airlines Procurement Market


Regional outlooks of the airline industry could be a roller-coaster ride due to the number of reasons for the airlines market variation, which includes matters that may vary from changing consumer preferences, technological advancements, regulations, and even economic changes. Airline growth remains sustained in North America, with an already stable economy increasing disposable incomes coupled with the robust travel demand. With significant airlines’ state-of-the-art infrastructure, the competition had always been battle-ready to usher in innovation. The genesis of this innovation was marking a line with accelerated market expansion. With recent technological innovations, like digital ticketing and integrative booking systems, the whole process has become easy and highly convenient for travelers.


Uncertainties over Brexit, changing regulatory landscapes, environmental concerns, and others amount to problems that must be solved in the European airlines market. On this note, the major league players are into some other strategic initiatives, like merging, acquiring, and forming alliances for going on a spree to pile up synergies from operations, pool resources, and align correctly facing rivals. The industry grows phenomenally because of the middle-class populace’s increasing demand for air travel, rising urbanization rates, and emerging economies in the Asia Pacific. With the rise in industrialization and infrastructure development in developing and third-world nations like China, India, and Southeast Asia, they also created two essential services: domestic and international air travel.


Cost Component in the Airlines Procurement Market


The dynamic industry places more emphasis on decision-making and budgeting. It simply constitutes costs plus other fundamental aspects such as tickets, fuel, labor, administrative overhead, etc. The general view of these variables is to make the airlines achieve more profitability, better their operations, and utilize resources.


Sourcing Models in the Airlines Procurement Market


Airlines cut travel expenses and increase operational effectiveness by using various sourcing strategies. Global sourcing strategies are more common in businesses with a significant demand for international travel. Using economies of scale and coordinated buying, this tactic uses airlines to bargain for the lowest price, which speeds up the reservation process. On the other hand, businesses with unique needs regarding their travel arrangements within specific countries or regions are the target audience for local sourcing.


Pricing Outlook in the Airlines Procurement Market


Many factors, such as fuel prices, market demand, competition, seasonal variations, and regulatory constraints, all impact the aeronautical industry’s cost structure. Airlines employ dynamic pricing strategies to adjust their rates in response to changes in demand, reservation lead times, and course popularity. Extra services also offer advantages regarding baggage fees, in-flight amenities, and seat preference, in addition to variable pricing and multiple revenue streams.


Contract Period in the Airlines Procurement Market


The contract period is critical to the airlines’ communication with business clients. Contracts define the baselines or extent of the costs, requirements of the services, and performance criteria. Generally, the period of the service contracts provided by airports lengthens for a minimum period between one and three years. Stability and predictability offer enough time for making strategic plans and investment choices. Short contract durations encompass businesses with greater freedom of choice for evaluation, bargaining, and changes in the prevailing circumstances within the market.


Engagement Strategies in the Airlines Procurement Market


The airliners and businesses should participate in engaging engagement programs to have a relationship that is well established. A blend of the company actively traveling businesses’ needs while working with several airliners will render benefits that include expedited reservation processes, increased quality of services, and reduced costs. Moreover, loyalty schemes and strategic partnerships offer companies unique benefits, incentives, and savings, which drive up travel expenses and boost worker satisfaction.


Pricing Models in the Airlines Procurement Market


They are designed to mean that the airline industry continues making profits, competing on these profits and using pre-planned cuts on public charges and two strategic pricing models for the predictability and budgets’ cost certainty. Airlines and companies of all types use the same design strategies: Tiering/differentiating and volume-based bonuses, which involve rebate schemes spurring effect on passenger spending and rewarding loyal clients.


Negotiation Factors in the Airlines Procurement Market


Gaining the upper hand dictates achieving some favorable terms from the giant airlines; therefore, mastery of market trends, dynamics, and business and negotiation on how to get the most appropriate strategies are needed. The crucial factors are the amount of corporate discount, the fuel surcharge, and the availability of reservations.


Leading Players in the Airlines Procurement Market


The airlines market boasts several promising companies, including Virgin Atlantic Airways, EasyJet, Hainan, Sichuan Airlines, TUI Airways, Jet2, China Southern Air, China Eastern Holdings, American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Airlines, South West Airlines, JetBlue, American Airlines, and EasyJet. These companies are always coming up with new services to increase sales for their companies.

  1. What are the anticipated investment and increase rates for the global airlines market?

By 2022/2023, ELINT Market Research projects that $720 billion will be invested in the global airlines market. In addition, the industry is anticipated to expand between 2023 and 2024 at a rate of 7–10%.

2. What emerging factors are influencing the growth of the airlines market?

Rising globalization, technological developments in aircraft design and navigational aids, and changing consumer habits and expectations contribute to the airlines industry’s growth.

3. Which segment emerged as the leading revenue driver for the airlines procurement market?

From 2022 to 2023, the narrow-body aircraft category dominated the airlines market, demonstrating the industry’s focus on economy, agility, and efficiency.

  1. Executive Summary
    1. Global Trends
    2. Supply Market Outlook
    3. Demand Market Outlook
    4. Category Strategy Recommendation
    5. Category Opportunities & Risk
    6. Talking Points to Business
    7. Impact on COVID-19
  2. Market Analysis
    1. Market Maturity and Trends
    2. Industry Trends
    3. Drivers and Constraints
    4. Regional Market Analysis
    5. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
  3. Market Monitoring Insights
    1. Pricing Structure
    2. Cost Analysis and Expected Savings
    3. Pricing Components
  4. Supplier Section
    1. Supplier Landscape
    2. Key Global Suppliers
    3. Key Regional Suppliers
    4. Supplier Profiling
    5. SWOT Analysis
  5. Sustainability in Air Travel
    1. Sustainability Initiatives by Suppliers
    2. Sustainability Initiatives by Buyers
  6. Procurement Best Practices
    1. Preferred Sourcing Model
    2. Preferred Pricing Model
    3. Preferred Engagement Model
    4. KPIs
    5. SLAs
  7. Travel Policy
    1. Factors Considered When Framing a Travel Policy
    2. Industry Benchmark of Key Travel Policy Components
    3. Changes to Travel Policy, Amid COVID-19
  8. Cost-Saving and Negotiation Levers
    1. Cost-saving Opportunities and Negotiation Levers
    2. COVID-19-Specific Negotiation Levers
  9. RFP/RFI Questionnaire
    1. Airlines: RFP Builder
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