Injection Molding Machine - Procurement Best Practices & Sourcing Strategies
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Procurement Market Intelligence Report

Injection Molding Machine – Procurement Best Practices & Sourcing Strategies

Injection Molding Machine Market – Category Definition, Price Forecast, Negotiation levers, LCCS Analysis, Global Imports and Export, Procurement-Centric Five Forces Analysis, Key Supplier, RFP Builder, Innovation Updates, Technology Updates, Sustainability Initiatives


Injection Molding Machine Market Global Size:

As per the recent procurement intelligence analysis conducted by the ELINT Matert Research team, the global injection molding machine market is anticipated to record a CAGR of 6% during the period 2022 to 2030 and a valuation of USD 17.8 billion. In 2021, the market size was evaluated at USD 10.54 billion. The injection molding machine market includes the international industry that produces, distributes, and utilizes equipment for injection molding operations. These devices make it easier to manufacture complex and accurate plastic assemblies for use in a variety of sectors, including electronic gadgets, automotive, packaging, consumer goods, and medical.


Furthermore, this market is fueled by some primary factors like the development of end-user sectors, higher adoption of automation and electronic commerce, rising demand for customized goods, and technical developments. Also, injection molding technologies are essential for bulk manufacturing methods because they provide industrial operations with productivity, adaptability, and versatility. Moreover, the report depicts that Asia Pacific emerged as the dominant country in the international injection molding machine industry. In 2021, this region held 37.6% and 10.54 billion of the market revenue. Key factors that contributed to this development include increasing needs from end-user sectors, rapid R&D movements, governmental initiatives, and more. Also, progressive economic growth has been seen in emerging nations like China, Japan, and India. Additionally, North America is projected to develop in the injection molding machine market by 2030 because of the expanding need in the developing nations of the region for factories.

Market Definition:

Injection molding machines require glass, steel, rubber, and thermoplastic polymer materials which are known as heated substances. These materials can be injected into molds to create comparable things in large quantities; this operation is executed with the help of injection molding devices and this process is referred to as injection presses. Further, injection devices are robust, adaptable, durable, precise, aesthetically pleasing, and configurable because they run on multiple power sources. These characteristics make them widely used in the production of electric tool housing, needles, phone handsets, car bumpers, and electronic switches. Additionally, the need for packaged items that can be carried on the move is anticipated to rise due to consumers’ growing budgets and sedentary lifestyles, which is anticipated to be advantageous for the global packaging industry.

Injection Molding Machine Market Drivers:

  1. Rising Demands from Diverse Industries –

The injection molder market is mostly driven by increasing demands from sectors including electronic devices, automobiles, packaging, and healthcare. Also, the market for effective manufacturing solutions is fueled by the requirement for specialized goods and precise materials.


  1. Constant Industrialization –

The global injection molding machines procurement intelligence market is seeing significant growth due to the fast industrialization and urbanization of developing nations and economies.

Injection Molding Machine Market Challenges:

  1. Shifts in Raw Material Prices –

A major risk to the international injection molding machine industry is variations in the cost of raw materials, including metals and plastics.


  1. Extreme Competition-

Many manufacturers fighting for dominance in the fiercely competitive injection molding machine industry. Excessive competition can result in lower profits, price battles, and difficulties differentiating products.

Injection Molding Machine Market Opportunities:

  1. Technological Advancements –

Ongoing advancements in injection molding technology which include enhancements in automation, energy conservation, and material tolerance pose great opportunities in the market. manufacturers look for machinery that can produce goods quickly and precisely to satisfy changing industry expectations.


  1. Introduction of Sustainable Solutions –

Requirements from governmental regulations and growing environmental concerns are driving the use of sustainable and lightweight materials in production.

Injection Molding Machine Market Segmentation:

  1. Types of Molding Machines –

The fundamental types of injection molding machines include hydraulic, electric, and hybrid which help conduct modeling tasks.


  1. Main End Users –

Diverse end-user sectors of injection molding machines include automobiles, packaging, consumer goods, healthcare, electronic items, and others.


Procurement-Centric Five Forces Analysis of the Injection Molding Machine Market:

Five significant procurement-centric forces of the global injection molding machine market help analyze key aspects that can impact the procurement decisions of stakeholders. For instance, the foremost force is supplier power which includes several suppliers involved in the manufacturing of injection molding machines on a high global level, moderate product differentiation, medium switching cost, and a lower level of forward integration among suppliers.


Further, the buyer’s power includes key factors like using injection molding machines in diverse industries to drive buyers to the higher side and the purchase quantity to moderate. However,  the dependency on injection molding devices for these buyers is high and hence the buyer power is moderate-to-high. Moreover, the next force is entry barriers that analyze the higher investment cost of the injection molding machine market to enter the industry and have established global players with moderately high market share. Also, a few barriers to any new entrants will be huge investments into product offerings, distribution network, reputation, after-sales servicing, and buyer confidence.


Additionally, the intensity of rivalry forces helps to examine the intensity of rivalry among competitors in the injection molding machine market which is generally moderate to high due to the presence of a large count of suppliers. Also, the industry is dominated by tier-1 suppliers who can manufacture injection molding machines with tailored specifications. Lastly, the threat of substitute forces assists in analyzing extrusion molding, extruded foam molding, blow molding, thermoforming, expanded bead foam molding, and 3D printing which are all substitutes for injection molding machines. Further, the ongoing technological advancements in injection molding machines are expected to keep the substitution factor competitive in this industry in the coming years. Thus, the threat of substitutes is expected to be moderate in the injection molding machine market in the coming years.

Key Suppliers in the Injection Molding Machine Market:

Leading suppliers of the injection molding machine industry include Engel Austria Gmbh​, Arburg GmbH​, UBE Corporation​, Woojin Plaimm​, Chen Hsong Holdings Limited​, Husky Technologies​, Milacron​, and Haitian International​.

FAQs Related to the Injection Molding Machine Market:

  1. How to segment the injection molding market based on the clamping force?

Depending on the clamping force, the injection molding market is segmented into low, medium, and high forces.

2. What is the regional analysis of the injection molding machine market?

North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America are leading regions.

3. What is the current market size for injection molding devices?

USD 13,315.7 million is the current market size for injection molding.


  1. Category Definition
    1. Types of Injection Molding Machine
  2. Price Forecast
    1. Price Forecast of Commodities impacting injection molding machine
  3. Negotiation Levers
    1. How can injection molding machine buyers successfully negotiate with manufacturers to achieve cost savings
  4. LCCS Analysis
    1. LCCS Analysis
  5. Global Imports and Export
    1. Top 10 countries exporting injection molding machine
    2. Top 10 countries importing injection molding machine
  6. Procurement-Centric Five Forces Analysis
    1. How is the industry structured throughout the value chain of injection molding machine
  7. Key Supplier
    1. To identify Key injection molding machine suppliers
  8. RFP Builder
    1. RFP Builder for injection molding machine
  9. Innovation Updates
    1. Key Supplier Innovations
  10. Technology Updates
    1. Technology Trends
  11. Sustainability Initiatives
    1. Sustainability practices followed in injection molding machine industry
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