Management Consulting - Procurement Intelligence

Procurement Market Intelligence Report

Management Consulting – Procurement Best Practices & Sourcing Strategies

Management Consulting Market – Executive Summary, Market Analysis, Market Monitoring Insights, Billing Rate Benchmarking, Supplier Section, Procurement Best Practices, Cost-Saving and Negotiation Opportunities, RFP/RFI Questionnaire, Sustainability Initiatives


Global Management consulting market Size

The global management consulting market has been steadily expanding over the last few years, and ELINT Market Research data suggests that this sector will likely have a bright future. With a startling $300 billion market valuation as of 2022, the market is significant to the world economy. Bullish projections for the near future indicate that the market will reach a value of $324 billion by the end of 2023, growing at a rate of eight to ten percent. Consultants play a critical role in assisting businesses in adjusting to changing market conditions, implementing new plans, and improving operational efficiency.

As the complexity of business operations continues to rise, the bright outlook results from rapid technological advancements and dynamic market conditions. International businesses require specialized knowledge to help them navigate these issues, which drives their need for consulting services. The consulting industry gains from this and significantly contributes to the growth of other businesses. With the industry’s adaptability and strategic importance, research statistics point to a promising future for the global management consulting market, given how quickly the business environment is evolving.

Global Management consulting market Drivers

Focus on Strategy Planning: In unexpected or dynamic times, businesses need advisory support to develop and implement successful strategy plans.

High Rate of Globalization: Businesses prefer consulting services to help them manage the intricacies of overseas markets to ensure seamless global expansion and competitiveness in a continually globalizing environment.

Organizational Transformation Trend: Consultants are crucial for businesses that want to be creative and adaptable in everything from change management to restructuring.

Global Management consulting market Challenges

Challenge of Client Retention: Maintaining long-term client relationships can be challenging in light of the advent of new consulting approaches, fluctuating market situations, and evolving client needs.

Complex Talent Management: Top-tier consultants are hard to attract and retain since the profession demands a broad skill set and flexibility to stay ahead of trends.

High Economic Uncertainty: Recessions may decrease consulting prices; global events and economic volatility influence corporate choices.

Global Management consulting market Opportunities

Preference for ESG Consulting: As the importance of ESG (environment, social, and governance) standards rises, consultants can help companies by providing sage counsel on sustainable business practices.

Increasing Digital Transformation: By using the vast possibilities presented by the current wave of digitalization, consultants may assist businesses with digital transformation projects, such as cloud adoption, cybersecurity, and digitization of business processes.

Traction from Healthcare Consulting: The healthcare industry provides consultants with excellent prospects for professional growth, especially in operational efficiency, regulatory adherence, and healthcare information technology.

Global Management consulting market Segmentation

Service Type: The research report classifies the market into Management Consulting, IT Consulting, Financial Consulting, and Human Resources Consulting.

End-User Industry: The research report divides the global management consulting market into Healthcare, Financial Services, Manufacturing, and IT & Telecom.

Consulting Model: The research report segments the market into Project-Based Consulting, Retainer-Based Consulting, and Outsourced Consulting.

Regional Dynamics

The dynamics of the consulting industry are significantly influenced by the distribution of global management consulting market shares by region. With a significant 40% market share, North America is the leading player. Technological developments, a strong economy, and a firmly established consulting ecosystem contribute to this significance. With 39% of the market, the European Union (EU) is second. The EU’s substantial presence is fueled by its numerous well-established businesses, requiring the assistance of specialized consultancy services. With a startling 16% market share, the quickly expanding Asia-Pacific (APAC) region is proving its rise to prominence in the world economy. The residual 5% is dispersed throughout various locations, exhibiting a varied market presence.

When we compare the price projection for 2023 to that for 2022, we notice minor differences in a few areas. North America is likely to see a 3-5% increase in consulting expenses, which is symptomatic of the region’s strong economy and high demand for specialized knowledge. Similarly, the EU anticipates a 2-5% increase in pricing due to the continuous demand from different companies for consultancy services. The Asia Pacific region’s steady economic growth and increasing reliance on strategic advising services are harmonious with the research report’s forecast of a 2-4% increase in consulting prices. Notably, a more modest 1–3% growth in consulting costs is anticipated in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region due to sustained expansion and rising demand for consulting solutions. This comprehensive geographical research provides valuable insights into regional trends in the global management consulting market.

Preferred Pricing Model

Companies regularly modify their cost models and sourcing strategies in the changing global management consulting market to conform to external movements and market trends. The preferred pricing mechanism before the COVID-19 pandemic was time and material-based, with predetermined rates. Still, this has changed significantly. Most consultancy contracts had a defined price list that clients had to pay to acquire the services before the outbreak. On the other hand, time and materials involve charging consumers according to the amount of hours spent and the materials utilized in the session. However, a paradigm change has occurred in favor of more outcomes-based methods in consulting fee structures in the post-COVID-19 scenario.

Sourcing Strategy

Global consulting organizations employ multi-tiered sourcing to adapt to their clients’ shifting needs. Because global sourcing accesses a large talent pool worldwide, it is recommended for strategic projects. Regional sourcing is the better choice for operational efforts requiring a specialized and personalized strategy. The approach used in HR operations takes into account unique nuances and country regulatory requirements. A shift that encourages long-term, strategic collaborations is using three to four-year contracts. This dynamic sourcing strategy demonstrates the global management consulting market’s commitment to flexibility in meeting the unique needs of each consulting engagement.

Global Management consulting market Players

An ecosystem of industry leaders, each with a significant impact, is changing the dynamics of the global management consulting market. Powerhouses such as McKinsey & Company, Bain & Company, BCG, Deloitte, Willis Towers Watson, Aon Hewitt, Korn Ferry, Roland Berger, Oliver Wyman, Kearney, Capgemini, FTI Consulting, Grant Thornton, BDO, PwC, EY, KPMG, Accenture, IBM, Mercer, The Hackett Group, Charles River Associates, Segal Group, Lee Hecht Harrison, Buck Consultants, Whitecap Consulting, Moorhouse, Clarasys, and Integration are some of the major players in the sector. Together, they have a revolutionary effect on the market that drives innovation, shapes corporate strategies, and influences decisions across various industries.

  1. What is the overall size of the global management consulting market currently, and how much is it expected to grow in 2023?

ELINT Market Research projects that the global consulting industry will reach a more than $324 billion valuation by the end of 2023. With an anticipated CAGR of 8–10%, the market has grown steadily and reached an astounding $300 billion by 2022.

2. What aspects of the uncertain global market continue to fuel the substantial expansion of the consulting industry?

Consultants are necessary to carry out strategic goals, handle market volatility, and enhance operational efficacy. The consulting sector is vital because businesses need expert guidance more and more to address challenging problems and seize new opportunities.

3. What is the geographic distribution of the global management consulting market?

North America leads the world with a 40% market share, closely followed by the EU at 39%. Asia-Pacific (APAC) holds a noteworthy 16% market share and is a rapidly growing region. The remaining 5% is distributed among multiple locations, illustrating the diverse global reach of the consulting business.

  1. Executive Summary
    1. Global Trends
    2. Supply Market Outlook
    3. Demand Market Outlook
    4. Category Strategy Recommendation
    5. Category Opportunities and Risk
    6. Impact on COVID-19
    7. Talking Points
  2. Market Analysis
    1. Market Maturity and Trends
    2. Service Line Overview and Trends
    3. Global Industry Trends
    4. Drivers and Constraints
    5. Regional Market Outlook
    6. Procurement Centric Five Forces Analysis
    7. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As)
  3. Market Monitoring Insights
    1. Cost Structure and Drivers
    2. Cost Analysis and Expected Savings
    3. Pricing Analysis
  4. Billing Rate Benchmarking
    1. Billing Rates by Country
    2. COVID-19 Impact on Consulting Billing Rates
    3. Factors Affecting Billing Rates
    4. Billing Rate Methodology
  5. Supplier Section
    1. Supply Outlook
    2. Supply Categorization
    3. Key Suppliers
    4. Supplier Profiling
    5. Disruption in the Consulting Industry
  6. Procurement Best Practices
    1. Sourcing Models
    2. Pricing Models
    3. Industry Sourcing Adoption
    4. SLAs and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
    5. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)
    6. Best Practices
  7. Cost-Saving and Negotiation Opportunities
    1. Cost-saving Opportunities
    2. Negotiation Levers
    3. COVID-19-Specific Value-Added Services and Negotiation Levers
  8. RFP/RFI Questionnaire
    1. Management Consulting: RFP Builder
    2. COVID-19-Specific RFP Builder
  9. Sustainability Initiatives
    1. Sustainability Initiatives Adopted by Consulting Firms
    2. Sustainability Commitments
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